Two new Wolastoqey picture books available
TLC is happy to be working with the Wolastoqiyik First Nations people of New Brunswick. The first project in this partnership is the release of two picture books Nkisi nomiya Apikellu! (I Saw a Skunk!) and Keq totoli olluhkahtuwok? (What Are They Doing?) and a Wolastoqey Media Player app. The books teach beginner speakers prepositions (Nkisi nomiya Apikellu!) and verbs (Keq totoli olluhkahtuwok?). These books likewise are accompanied by the Wolastoqey Media Player app to allow readers to hear the words pronounced by Native speakers through augmented reality technology. The Wolastoqey Media Player is available to download at Google Play and the App Store. The books are hot off the press and on their way to the community. Once they arrive later this month, community members can obtain free copies of these books by contacting Those outside the community can pre-order their copies now!