As the COVID-19 situation continues to unfold and bring difficulties to everyone across the country, we remain committed to our goal of serving Indigenous communities and languages. We will continue to produce language-learning materials and plan language events--even if that means hosting them virtually. Please stay tuned to TLC social media to stay up to date on any news or changes that may occur. We thank you for your support and hope that you all stay safe.
Going Virtual

TLC is adapting to the ongoing COVID-19 situation by offering virtual options for previously scheduled events. It is important to us to continue offering chances for language warriors to learn from skilled teachers, and we are fortunate for the technology to be able to bring the language classroom into customers' homes.

April 18-19: Virtual Lakota Language Weekend-Mountain Time
The response has been so great for our first Virtual Lakota Language Weekend that we're hosting a second Virtual LLW for our friends out west. All start times will be in Mountain Time to accommodate the schedules of those in Western states, but learners from all over are welcome to sign up! This event is open to beginner to intermediate Lakota language learners. Learn more and register here:
Lakota Summer Institute South Online
The 2020 Lakota Summer Institute South is coming to you! Due to stay-in-place orders across the country, this annual event is moving to a virtual platform to still be able to serve Lakota language learners on the Pine Ridge Reservation. Dates are TBA, so make sure to follow TLC on social media to stay up to date on registration. 
Lakota Summer Institute North Online
The University of North Dakota has just canceled all summer programs, so this means the Lakota Summer Institute North will likewise be canceled. So we are working on moving this event online! We are excited to be able to keep Lakota language learning going on this virtual platform. Tentatively, the event will take place July 6-17. Make sure to follow LLC on social media, though, so you can stay up to date on any changes and know when to register.
News & Upcoming Products

Cowlitz Language materials in development

TLC is pleased to begin working with the Cowlitz community. Currently, a Cowlitz dictionary is in the works with other projects coming after. We are excited to work with all the Cowlitz language warriors!
(l-r) The Moose Cree editions of Froggy and I Saw a Skunk!

Moose Cree picture books coming soon!

Two new picture books for the Moose Cree language are in development. The book Froggy tells the story of a young girl and her new green pet. Designed for kids of all ages, this monolingual book includes 22 pages of colorful illustrations.
I Saw a Skunk! is the story of a skunk loose inside the house. As the search for it goes, the characters look under the bed, behind the couch, and many other places. These phrases help readers to learn prepositional phrases in Moose Cree through a humorous situation.

(l-r) Maliseet editions of What Are They Doing? and I Saw a Skunk!

Maliseet picture books coming soon!

The Maliseet language will see two new picture books developed as well. I Saw a Skunk! will also be translated into Maliseet to help learners to identify prepositions in the language. Additionally, the book What Are They Doing? will be available in Maliseet. This picture book teaches readers all about verbs as they see animals and people walking, running, sitting, and much more. Both books feature colorful illustrations and can help new learners of any age to understand the parts of speech of their language.

Malak-Malak Vocab Builder release set for April 

TLC-Australia has begun its work with the Malak-Malak language. The first project is the Malak-Malak Vocab Builder app. This app will help users to build their knowledge of Malak-Malak words through games and quizzes. Learn words for foods, animals, and more. Follow TLC on social media to stay up to date on this app's release. More Malak-Malak projects to come!
Product Spotlight
Download the Owóksape App on the Apple and Google Play app stores.

Owóksape app adds teacher portal

The TLC team is currently working on a teacher portal to add even more functionality to the innovative Owóksape app. Owóksape for teachers is coming soon. Teachers will have the ability to track student activities, assign units to fit their curriculum, and make learning Lakota from home easy and fun. Follow TLC on social media to stay up to date on this new release.
Download the Ojibwe Media Player App on the Apple and Google Play app stores.

New book added to the Ojibwe Media Player app

Another distance learning resource has been added to the Ojibwe learning materials to help you practice listening and pronouncing Ojibw in these homebound times. The picture book "Jiimaan: A Memory of Maude Kegg" is now available as the second book on the Ojibwe Media Player app. The Ojibwe Media Player allows readers to interact with texts through augmented reality technology. Users without physical copies of the texts can still listen to the story and learn new vocabulary.
The books can be ordered now at the
GIM bookstore.
The Ojibwe Media Player can be downloaded from the Apple and Google Play stores.
Learn more about how the Ojibwe Media Player works here:

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