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The 10th Annual 2022 Crow Summer Institute (CSI) was held last month. It celebrated another year of community-building and language learning. This was the first in-person CSI in two years due to the pandemic. It was refreshing to be back, and both students and teachers were energized in the classroom. All of the excitement created a very successful and positive learning environment.

This year's CSI also marked the return of professor Dr. Janine Pease of Little Big Horn College and Dr. Emerson Bull Chief. Dr. Pease has spent her entire career promoting and preserving the Apsáalooke language, so having her at CSI is always an honor. 

During CSI, beginner-level Crow language learners participated in a successful two-week intensive language learning program. Impressively, all of the participants were able to advance through to CSI
's intermediate-level track.  

The first week's teacher workshop focused on lesson planning and initiating a K-12 curriculum. The second week was spent documenting natural-sounding dialogues that will eventually be used to further develop the eLearning platform, Ammiláau. The second week also featured a presentation by Dr. Crystal Redgrave on her model for Native American education, which encourages teaching through cultural traditions.  

 The Lakota Language Consortium, Monroe County Public Library, and Indiana Humanities hosted Marty Two Bulls, Sr for this live and online session on June 18, 2022. Marty Two Bulls, Sr. is an acclaimed political cartoonist and illustrator. He is a member of the Oglala Lakota, from the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. Much of his early life was spent in Rapid City, South Dakota. He received his BFA with honors at the Institute of American Indian Arts and also attended the Colorado Institute of Art.
From there Marty went on to spend many years working for newspapers, including The Lakota Times. His innovative cartoons voice Native American perspectives on contemporary political issues. During the event, he discussed his Pulitzer-nominated work with The Lakota Times, as well as his work illustrating many Lakota-language picture books in partnership with a local educational nonprofit, The Lakota Language Consortium. 
The event featured a conversation with Marty about his important work, Lakota culture, and Lakota language reawakening. He showed examples of artwork, including illustrated sketches and watercolors for The Lakota Language Consortium. During the event, Marty shows his illustration process along with the thought process behind the meaning of the illustrations that he is famous for. 
Marty is a multi-media artist. The event not only featured illustrated works but also beautiful bronze sculptures and more!
You can view a video of the event, provided by the LLC consortium, to learn more about Marty and his career using the link button below!
Marty is a multi-media artist. He says, "I try to work in as many mediums as I can". The event not only featured illustrated works but also beautiful bronze sculptures and more!
You can view a video of the event , provided by the LLC consortium, to learn more about Marty and his career using the link button below!
LLC Video
New Releases

Iisashpíte Hawassdáaweesh (Bunny's Travels), a bilingual Crow and English picture book, is now available! Iisashpíte Hawassdáaweesh tells the story of a bunny who learns what to eat and drink to be healthy and strong. The picture book is accompanied by a video with audio recordings provided by Crow Elder Curtis Yarlott. In August the picture book will be available in the TLC bookstore. 

watch video

Congratulations to the Eastern Shoshone on the release of their new Vocab Builder App! The app features over 350 words and phrases organized into culturally appropriate categories. It also provides audio pronunciation and visual aids for each word. 

Other features include games, quizzes, progress tracking, and word searches that are great for young learners. The Vocab Builder App is available for free on IOS devices and Android devices. 

Coming Soon
On June 30th the Crow language dictionary was released online. Soon, physical copies will also be available at the bookstore. This dictionary is considered the most comprehensive Apsáalooke (Crow language) dictionary that exists. Its release is a monumental step forward in the overall preservation of the Crow language.

The dictionary’s publication results from the efforts of hundreds of Native Crow Elders, speakers, knowledge keepers, and linguists who have collaborated to document, compile, and record over 11,000 Crow words. 
Online Crow Dictionary


The latest update to the New Lakota Dictionary (NLD) will be available soon for Mac and PC with new entries and example sentences. This updated version builds on decades of linguistic work to create the most accurate and up-to-date dictionary possible, with 6,000 new entries and 13,000 new example sentences.

The New Lakota Dictionary was created in partnership with over 400 native speakers to ensure accuracy not only in spelling and definition but in context as well. This is an invaluable resource for Lakota learners everywhere, as it is free and easily accessible to anyone with a computer.

Using the NLD, a user can search for a word and they will be presented with multiple definitions and spellings depending on the context in which the word is being used. There are also example sentences to demonstrate the word in a complete Lakota phrase. A total of 31,000-word entries and 53,000 example sentences make the NLD the most in-depth Lakota dictionary available!
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