Coming off of 2019’s International Year of Indigenous Languages, TLC is ready to hit the ground running in 2020 and expand on the progress we’ve made.
News & Recent Events
(L-R) Bob Rugh, Velma Pease, and Victoria Bad Bear work together to review words at the Crow Dictionary Workshop.  

Workshop helps develop Crow Language Dictionary

The Crow Dictionary Workshop was held at Little Big Horn College on December 16th—20th through a partnership with the Crow Language Consortium. Working in small groups, approximately 20 elders and community members reviewed and rerecorded nearly 1,500 dictionary entries. The Language Conservancy also launched its new Rerecord App that week (pictured below).
This innovative app enabled group members to view current spellings of entries, review English glosses, and listen to past recordings. Most importantly, because of the app’s playback feature, participants received immediate feedback from their recordings which allowed them to review and correct their recordings instantaneously. These words are being finalized to include in the next upload to the Crow Online Dictionary and represent a significant milestone in the review of the words gathered during Rapid Word Collection.
Wolf Creek Elementary School students receive the Most Improved Elementary School award

LLC presents awards at Lakota Nation Invitational

The annual Lakota Nation Invitational took place on December 18—21 at the Rushmore Plaza Civic Center in Rapid City, SD. The Lakota Language Consortium held an awards ceremony to recognize schools that have made outstanding achievements in language learning. 

The following schools received awards:
Most Improved Elementary School—Wolf Creek Elementary School
Highest Achieving Elementary School—Sitting Bull College Lakȟól’iyapi Wahóȟpi
Most Improved Middle School—Cheyenne-Eagle Butte Junior High School
Highest Achieving Middle School—Red Shirt Middle School
Most Improved High School—Tiospaye Tope High School
Highest Achieving High School—Solen High School

The awards ceremony took place during the Platinum Anniversary Language Competition. The 20th Lakota Language Bowl featured students from elementary to high school levels competing to showcase their linguistic skills. Additionally, Evelyn “Sissy” Good House of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe received the Nakénuŋla waúŋ award for lifetime contribution to the continuation of the Lakota language.

UN recommends TLC for Special Consultative Status

This January, the United Nations Non-Governmental Organizations Committee recommended TLC for Special Consultative Status. As one of 63 groups receiving this status, TLC will be able to attend Council meetings and issue statements. Read more here:
We want to hear from you!

Would you like to see more of the Lakota Berenstain Bears?

The Language Conservancy wants to do another 20 episodes of Lakota Berenstain Bears to continue providing fun and entertaining language learning tools. We would love to get your feedback and testimonials. This short, 8-question survey will help us gather your thoughts. Click the link below to respond.
Product Spotlight
Download the Owóksape App on the Apple and Google Play app stores.

Learn a new language in 7 minutes a day

The biggest and newest project from The Language Conservancy is the Owóksape app. This online learning platform is the next generation solution for language learning. Through adaptive, gamified learning, users can work their way through over 150 lessons. The app has predesigned lessons that a user can review in as little as seven minutes a day. The app allows users to tailor their learning to their unique needs. Launched in fall 2019, the app already has over 6,000 users and over 450,000 lessons have been completed.

Click below to watch a demo of the app in action:
Plans are in the works to expand the app to other languages. If your tribe, school, or community is interested in seeing their language developed into the app, message us at 
Download the North Slavey Vocab Builder App on the Apple and Google Play app stores.

Learn North Slavey with our Vocab Builder app

The North Slavey Vocab Builder app is now available! With over 350 individual words and phrases spoken by native speakers, users will immerse themselves in the vocabulary and sounds of the North Slavey language. Practice your listening, reading, and spelling skills and track your results with this fun app!

Download the Ojibwe Media Player App on the Apple and Google Play app stores.

Have you tried the Ojibwe Media Player app yet?

In partnership with Grassroots Indigenous Multimedia, TLC has developed the Ojibwe Media Player app. This fun app uses cutting-edge augmented reality technology to make stories come alive! With the Gii-tagoshinowaad Mayagi-waagoshag children’s book, users can use the app to scan the pages and hear the story aloud. Users who don’t own the book can still join in on the experience by accessing the audio guide and listening to the story. More information can be found at

Upcoming Events

February 23-29 Stoney Nakoda language rerecord in Morley, AB

In 2019, with the help of over 30 elders and knowledge keepers, over 14,000 words were collected during the Rapid Word Collection event. These words are being gathered for the new Stoney Nakoda dictionary. This February, the elders and knowledge keepers will return for the weeklong rerecord workshop. At this workshop, the above words will be reviewed for spelling accuracy and English translation. Additionally, participants will contribute by providing high-quality recordings of the proper pronunciation of the words.
This workshop will also serve as an opportunity to collect words for the forthcoming Stoney Nakoda Vocab Builder and Level 1 textbook. Stay tuned for updates on these projects by liking the Stoney Nakoda Language Project Facebook page.
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