The latest news, products, and upcoming events from The Language Conservancy
News & Recent Events

Virtual Lakota Language Weekend

Last month the Lakota Language Consortium partnered with the New York Community Trust for a Virtual Lakota Language Weekend. There were over 50 participants that attended and participated in two days full of virtual Lakota language learning. Thank you to the instructors Lora Catches, Amanda Carlow, Kim Campbell, Allen Wilson, Corey Yellow Boy, Claire Thomas, and everyone who participated to make this language weekend a success! 

Ute Mountain Ute Rapid Word Collection

The Ute Mountain Ute Rapid Word Collection (RWC) is coming to a close. In collaboration with linguists and Native Ute speakers, we collected over 3,800 words in one month! Though usually in person, TLC has adapted the RWC method to take place virtually through Zoom meetings. The dictionary project will continue by moving to the re-record collection phase this month. Since the Ute language is one of many Indigenous languages that are highly endangered this word collection event will serve as a significant first step in language revitalization

Virtual Crow Language Weekend 

The Crow Language Consortium hosted the first Virtual Crow Language Weekend of 2021 February 27–28! Dozens of Crow learners from Montana and across the United States used this virtual opportunity to improve their Crow speaking skills. Over the course of two days, participants practiced vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. Thank you to the Crow instructors Velma Pease, Roanne Hill, and everyone who participated in this language weekend! We hope you continue to practice what you learned and will join us at future Crow language learning events. Ahóoh!

Product Spotlight

Ininiwizh & Memengwaa now available on the
Ojibwe Media Player

A new book has been added to the Ojibwe Media Player! Milkweed & Butterfly—a delightful story about the relationship between monarch butterflies and the milkweed plant—is the third installment in a series of books adapted for the interactive app. Designed for readers and language learners to follow along with their favorite Ojibwe picture books, the Media Player has the added bonus of being a digital resource for students of all ages. Download the Media Player app on your Apple or Android device today! Grassroots Indigenous Multimedia also launched this book as a video on YouTube! This narrated video will present the GIM picture book in a read-along format that language learners of all ages can enjoy. 
You can also order a copy of Ininiwizh & Memengwaa in the GIM bookstore.  

Upcoming Events

March 13–14: Virtual Lakota Language Weekend 

The Lakota Language Consortium is partnering with with RCAS Title VI Indian Education for another Virtual Lakota Language Weekend. This language weekend is geared toward staff members, parents, and students enrolled in Rapid City Area Schools. Participants will have a chance to learn beginner communicative Lakota in this two-day fun and intensive language event. We're very excited to partner again with RCAS Title VI Indian Education for another language weekend. If you know any potential participants in the Rapid City Area School District please send them to this link to register

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